Early Learning Centre

Our Sholem Aleichem Early Learning Centre (ELC) offers an exceptional learning program that nurtures and supports our youngest students in their most formative years, guiding them to develop a strong connection to their Jewish identity, to their community and country, and to the State of Israel. 

Rated as Exceeding National Quality Standards, we offer small class sizes, experienced, consistent staffing and a rich creative program. We value collaboration with families in order to meet individual developmental needs, 

along with extending and building a solid foundation for an ongoing love of learning. Building resilience and emotional regulation ensures our children are equipped with the life skills to draw upon when faced with the myriad challenges ahead. 


Exceeding National Standards

In 2021, Sholem Aleichem College's ELC was awarded an ‘Exceeding’ standard by the Department of Education and Training for quality areas governed by the National Quality Standard (NQS).

Exceeding the National Quality Standard (NQS) means going above and beyond what is expected for a standard.

This outstanding result is due to the hard work, commitment and passion of our ELC staff, and the College's recognition of the profound impact early learning has on a child’s educational and personal development journey.

The Sholem Aleichem College ELC caters for children aged 2-5 years.

  • Our Pre-kinder group for 2-3-year-olds 
  • Our Junior group for 3-4-year-olds  
  • Our Pre Prep group for 4-5-year-olds

Each ELC room has a team of support educators, including a Yiddish and Hebrew teacher. 

The kindergarten programs include experiences within the school with weekly sport and library sessions. Students enjoy weekly music and movement sessions with a specialised Early Years educator.

The ELC at Sholem Aleichem College provides an exceptional outdoor-play environment so that our children can experience the wonder and beauty of nature, and develop motor skills, confidence and an awareness of sustainability.

We offer Child Care Subsidies to eligible families and are open 48 weeks (and depending on the Jewish calendar some years the ELC will operate for 49 weeks) from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. 

Information for Families 

Our College family handbook provides all the relevant information about your child's attendance and participation in our Early Childhood program.

Free Kindergarten Subsidy 

Sholem Aleichem College ELC receives funding directly from the Victorian Government for our 3- and 4-year-old kindergarten and pre prep programs. If your child attends a kindergarten program within a long day care setting, a $2,000 Free Kinder Subsidy will offset the kindergarten program component of your out-of-pocket fees.

Our centre will be required to pass on the full amount to parents as a direct reduction in their out-of-pocket fees. This will significantly reduce costs for families (depending on service fees, number of attendance days, and the amount of Commonwealth subsidy received).

Early Learning Centre Curriculum

The ELC follows the National Quality Framework and adheres to the National Quality Standards.

We encourage risk taking for children within safe and controlled parameters. The freedom of exploration develops resilience and confidence.

Jewish culture and values along with Yiddish, Hebrew and English literacy are woven into every aspect of the curriculum. Literacy and numeracy skills are fostered through play-based activities in accordance with children's interests. Jewish festival celebrations entail craft, music and interactive games.

The children's interests are observed and extended by building upon existing knowledge and skills. 

At Sholem, we aim to build strong relationships with children and families, fostering meaningful interactions that enable us to better understand each child and glean important information about their wellbeing.

Children's safety is of prime importance. We regularly and rigorously assess equipment, facilities and procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply?

The enrolment process

To apply for a place at Sholem Aleichem College, the following items must first be submitted:

  • Sholem Aleichem College Registration Form signed by both parents. Please contact our Enrolment Officer if you would like this form emailed directly (03) 8527 3000.
  • Non-refundable application fee of $100.
  • Copy of student’s birth certificate.
  • Copy of student’s immunisation history statement.

Am I eligible for the Child Care Subsidy?

Childcare Subsidy (CCS) is a payment made to families to assist with the cost of childcare. If you are eligible and meet the income and activity test you can receive CCS.

Families using approved childcare receive CCS through fee reductions. The level of reduction is based on your estimated taxable income and activity levels for the year in which the care is received. The government will calculate the subsidy you are entitled to and this will automatically be deducted from your fees each week.

Prior to starting at the ELC, families must submit a claim for Child Care Subsidy. You can claim using your Centrelink online account through MyGov.

Parents will be issued with a CRN number from Centrelink upon application. This CRN number MUST be provided to the ELC upon commencement of enrolment to claim this fee reduction/confirm enrolment. In the event that the CRN number is not provided upon commencement of enrolment, the ELC may charge an administrative fee to backdate the application process. CRN and birth dates must be provided to be able to claim CCS.

Please contact our ELC Admin Officer elcadmin@sholem.vic.edu.au who will be able to assist with any enquiries.

What are the ELC hours?

The ELC opens at 7:30am and closes at 5:30pm.

What are the enrolment options?
  • Pre-kinder - min 2 days per week
  • Junior Kinder – min 3 days per week
  • Pre Prep – full time only - 5 days per week
Is there a payment required to confirm an enrolment?

All registration forms require a $100 non-refundable processing fee. Parents/Guardians will be required to pay a $900 enrolment fee once placement has been offered. 50% of this fee is deducted from fee statements at the completion of Prep Term 1. The remaining 50% is deducted from fee statements at the completion of Grade 6 (full refund).

How long do I have to decide if I would like to accept a place?

Acceptance is based on demand and availability.

What will I need to provide in order to secure my enrolment?

Birth certificate, up-to-date immunisation certificate, copy of family passports, eligible visas. Where applicable any information pertaining to separated or divorced parents.

In the instance of children enrolling from another school or ELC the College requires copies of current academic/progress reports from their current centre.

At what age is my child eligible to attend an Early Learning Centre?
  • Your child needs to be 2 years of age (by 30 April on the year of entry) to start in the Pre-Kinder room
  • Your child needs to be 3 years of age (by 30 April on the year of entry) to start in the Junior Kinder room
  • Your child needs to be 4 years of age (by 30 April on the year of entry) to start in the Prep Prep room
Do you provide food in the ELC?
  • A healthy and well-balanced morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea is provided to all ELC students each day.
  • All dietary requirements and allergies are adhered to. Food is catered for the ELC and is freshly prepared each day.
  • All meat provided is kosher, but meals are not Kosher Australia certified, rather they are kosher style.

Can I change, add or remove my enrolled days?

Based on availability, we are flexible and accommodating. Please enquire with our ELC Admin officer elcadmin@sholem.vic.edu.au if you require any changes to your child's days.

How does the ELC communicate with me?

The ELC will communicate via email and the College app for whole school related matters. The ELC use the Xplor app. You will be provided with log on details to access the app before your child starts at Sholem Aleichem College. The app allows you to view statements, check your account balance, as well as see photos and observations for your child.

Xplor keeps a record of all children’s absences. You must ensure you sign your child in and out of ELC on the Xplor app or the iPad located in the classroom/security each day.

Make mine a mentsh
