Primary School

The Sholem Aleichem College curriculum is based on the Australian National Curriculum which sets the goal for acquired learnings throughout the College.

The curriculum is designed towards students’ progression (skills, content areas and knowledge base) over the course of their journey from Prep to Year 6.

Subjects are linked to key learning areas of physical, personal and social skill development, and the ability to apply such knowledge outside the classroom in the real world.

Our teachers have a strong commitment to encouraging all students to strive for excellence in a supportive environment, recognising individuality and different styles of learning. We provide differentiated learning programs such as Bridges Enrichment, and Gifted Programs to complement and support our students.

Technology is well balanced and embedded into our curriculum. Our small class sizes allow students to be risk takers, and feel valued, nurtured and cared for. At Sholem, we believe in empowering students with a comprehensive set of technology skills, including coding and robotics. 

Through interactive lessons and hands-on projects, students develop their capabilities for critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration and creativity. Alongside coding, we emphasize digital literacy, basic computer skills, internet safety, and multimedia creation. Students also learn about data literacy, online collaboration, and basic programming concepts. Our maker-centered approach challenges our learners to transform challenges into opportunities and to develop ideas into tangible solutions.

Our curriculum equips young minds with the tools to navigate the digital world confidently and prepares them for future challenges. By integrating coding and robotics with other technology skills, we foster a well-rounded and future-ready generation of learners.

Prep - Grade 2

In an emergent play-based environment, students are encouraged to be critical and creative thinkers, striving for their personal best. Our curriculum and pedagogy at this crucial stage is designed to ensure a smooth transition from our world class Early Learning Centre to life and learning in the College.

Our teaching in literacy and numeracy are explicit, giving students the tools to read, write and manipulate numbers successfully, very early on. This is achieved by implementing programs such as InitiaLit (a research based structured synthetic phonics program) where across three years, students learn all their sounds, providing them with the necessary skills to develop competency in reading. This comprehensive literacy programme develops a strong foundation for future learning and with its inherent repetition and revision ensures gap-free competence. Through number talks and mathematical inquiries students develop confidence with numeracy and are exposed to the beauty and fun of this discipline.

The first years of schooling, from Prep to Year 2, are vital, laying the foundation for your child’s educational journey. With the right structures and support, children learn how to successfully interact with others, problem solve, experiment, take calculated risks and explore through rich-inquiry within an emergent play and project-based pedagogy.

The skills students develop during this time are critical competencies they will need throughout their lives.

Grades 3 - 6

A more formal learning process begins in the classroom environment in preparation for the increased demands of the higher grades ahead. Students are taught to set objectives and achieve goals as individuals and as team members. They further explore technology, STEAM, robotics, multiple genres of writing and leadership all within a culture of thinking. We also teach further advanced thinking and problem-solving strategies including advanced maths.

Sholem offers leadership opportunities at each educational stage. Our Year 6 Leadership Program guides students towards recognising their own learning styles as they become critical wide-ranging thinkers who can work independently and collaboratively within the College community.

Students leave as well-rounded young citizens with a love for learning, prepared for life on the global stage and with the drive to be active members of society.

Support and enrichment Programs

Our students are supported by a range of programs to address individual learning needs. Our teaching strategies are tailored to meet a wide range of skills and needs. At Sholem, inclusion is embedded in all aspects of College life, and is supported by culture, policies and everyday practices.

"Our team approach ensures each child achieves optimal learning outcomes."

The Bridges Program supports students who are experiencing learning difficulties, and where gaps have been identified in their learning. This rigorous program enables small group settings for those students needing to revise literacy and numeracy skills. The aim is to bridge the gaps, fostering ‘close relationships wherein self-confidence blossoms’.

The Enrichment Program provides advancement activities for students identified as being highly-able or gifted.

Gifted student programs at Sholem cater for all identified students. We provide extension within the classroom as well as enrichment programs in small group settings. We offer extension program competitions and tailored experiences in accordance with the interests of these students, who are often encouraged to share their learning outcomes with the wider cohort.

Learning Support Program provides targeted group and individualised learning sessions.

The Sounds-Write Program is a linguistic phonics program that uses an evidence-based and highly effective approach to teach reading and spelling.

Program Support Group meetings are held with parents and specialists to guide and enhance our professional practice. 

Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) are developed for students to aid effective teaching and learning. ILPs define a learner’s academic, social, emotional and personal learning goals.

Make mine a mentsh
